LOW FODMAP program
Are you looking for a solution for your IBS?
DO you want to try a low FODMAP diet but don't know where to start?
A low FODMAP diet can help around 7 out of 10 people who have IBS. Let me help you get your symptoms under control.
I'll help you with:
Explaining the low FODMAP diet, FODMAP food lists and tips on reading food labels
Help with the Monash FODMAP app
Printable cheat sheets and templates to make meal planning and prep easier.
Weekly checkin to answer your questions and so you can watch how your IBS improves.
A structured reintroduction program so you can work out your FODMAP triggers
So how do you know if this is for you? It is, if:
You have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and want to know whether FODMAPs are responsible for your abdominal symptoms.
Your IBS symptoms are playing havoc with your life and preventing you from living your life the way that you want to.
You’ve tried following the low FODMAP diet but haven’t been able to get it working properly.
You’re looking for guided instructions to help you do the low FODMAP diet correctly.
“I have learnt so much from Rachel since I sought her help a couple of months ago. She has helped me with many things diet related from sensible eating for weight loss, fuelling properly for distance running and FODMAP elimination, testing and re-introduction.
Rachel has a very sensible, real life approach to nutrition and has an absolute wealth of knowledge which she is very happy to pass on. I was going through the FODMAP elimination and testing while training for my longest endurance event - this would have been really difficult without Rachel’s guidance. She provided me with so much information including FODMAP safe forms of fuel, when to fuel and how much to have during both training and the event itself. Rachel even sent me recipes which were appropriate for the few days of carb loading before the event - she also taught me what it means to carb load properly and effectively.
Rachel has a very warm and caring attitude towards her clients which I appreciated very much. She loves answering questions and encourages you to ask them. She gently encourages you to make any changes that she believes will help you. I am now armed with the information I need to eat well for my health and to eat properly to fuel my running. I also am aware of my FODMAP triggers - this is excellent after suffering with IBS symptoms for many years. Now I can make informed choices about what I eat and when which is beneficial for anyone who suffers from IBS.
I would recommend Rachel strongly if you need help in any of these areas. A warm, friendly, knowledgeable and realistic nutritionist with a wealth of knowledge and information at her fingertips. (Sam English)”
An initial 1 hour phone or in person nutrition consultation
Your nutritionist checking in with you weekly or as needed by you.
FODMAP food lists, tips on reading food labels
Printable cheat sheets and templates to make meal planning and prep easier.
Step-by-step instructions for completing all FODMAP reintroduction tests.
Downloadable symptom trackers for monitoring your reactions to FODMAPs.
Clear instructions and downloadable lists of the foods and portion sizes to use for each FODMAP tolerance test, plus tips and ideas for including each test food in your meals.
Explanation of how to interpret your test results and work out which foods you can eat again.
Step-by-step instructions on how to modify your diet and safely return the FODMAPs that you can tolerate.
Tips and strategies for troubleshooting any challenges that might crop up along the way.
Access to a closed online support group to ask as many questions as you need to throughout the program.
The cost for phase one where we have the consultation and I help you implement the diet and see if it reduces your symptoms is $180
The cost for phase two and three where we do the testing and set you up with your own personalised Low FODMAP diet for your personal tolerances is $170
To find out more, send a message using the form below, call me on 0450 524 611 or book in directly.